With Laybuy, you can book JUCY now and pay it in 6 automatic weekly payments!
Do I get charged interest using Laybuy?
No, as long as you make your weekly payments on time. Laybuy will automatically deduct the installments from your debit card or credit card once a week for 6 weeks (the first payment is made at the time of purchase). If you fail to make a payment Laybuy will charge a late payment fee of $10 AUD.
How do I know where I am up to with my Laybuy payments?
Easy! Manage all your payments both online and in-store via your dashboard on the Laybuy account (not JUCY). Log into your Laybuy account using a mobile app or website.
What if I want to cancel or amend my JUCY booking ordered using Laybuy?
We’ll process a full refund if canceled outside the cancellation policy. Check out the cancellation policy here. Please get in touch with our crew to amend or cancel your booking.
If you amend your booking and the price changes, you'll see the relevant price change in your future payment amounts. In case of an increase in the booking value, the difference in price will have to be paid directly to JUCY using your valid debit or credit card and not via Laybuy! It’s all very straightforward.
If you have any further questions about Laybuy, you can check out Laybuy FAQ's or feel free to contact JUCY Crew.